UBS’s new brand campaign is “We Will Not Rest.” It’s about an obsession with doing things perfectly and getting every last detail right.
Read MoreOn April 12, 2022, Lael Wilcox set out to ride the 827-mile Arizona Trail faster than anyone had before. She completed her ride 9 days, 8 hours, and 23 minutes later on April 21. This is her story.
Read MoreMartijn Doolaard is a photographer, filmmaker and travel writer from the Netherlands. He finished two long distance bicycle journeys from Amsterdam to Singapore and Vancouver to Patagonia. My book Two Years on a Bike – From Vancouver to Patagonia has just released and I would like to tell you more about the preparation and share…
Read MoreFollow the ‘Yellow Brick Road’ to Geologic Features of Liliʻuokalani Ridge Seamounts | Nautilus Live
1.776.390 visualitzacions 29 d’abr. 2022 What may look like a “yellow brick road” to the mythical city of Atlantis is really an example of ancient active volcanic geology! Our Corps of Exploration have witnessed incredibly unique and fascinating geological formations while diving on the Liliʻuokalani Ridge within Papahānaumokuakea Marine National Monument. At the summit of…
Read MoreMy Story I have always been fascinated by flight. For as long as I can remember, I have watched the birds in wonder. What does it feel like to fly through the air? What does our planet look like from up there? I had vivid dreams at night where I would suddenly realize I was…
Read MoreVaig estudiar el grau de quatre anys (BA) de Traducció i interpretació a la Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona. Vaig escollir l’anglès i l’alemany com a llengües estrangeres. Quan vaig acabar els meus estudis el Ministeri Espanyol d’Afers Exteriors em va concedir el títol de Traductor Intèrpret en Espanyol. Més endavant vaig anar a viure…
Read MoreLa Consol és a l’escola des dels seus inicis. Va començar a fer classes d’anglès per a nens i adolescents per ajudar-los amb els exàmens quan ella era una adolescent. Als vint anys aproximadament va anar a viure Weybridge prop de Londres
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