My Story I have always been fascinated by flight. For as long as I can remember, I have watched the birds in wonder. What does it feel like to fly through the air? What does our planet look like from up there? I had vivid dreams at night where I would suddenly realize I was…
Read MoreVaig estudiar el grau de quatre anys (BA) de Traducció i interpretació a la Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona. Vaig escollir l’anglès i l’alemany com a llengües estrangeres. Quan vaig acabar els meus estudis el Ministeri Espanyol d’Afers Exteriors em va concedir el títol de Traductor Intèrpret en Espanyol. Més endavant vaig anar a viure…
Read MoreLa Consol és a l’escola des dels seus inicis. Va començar a fer classes d’anglès per a nens i adolescents per ajudar-los amb els exàmens quan ella era una adolescent. Als vint anys aproximadament va anar a viure Weybridge prop de Londres
Read MoreMichael Scott (born 14 December 1958) is a Scottish singer, songwriter and musician. He is the founding member, lead singer, guitarist and songwriter of rock band The Waterboys. He has also produced two solo albums, Bring ‘em All In and Still Burning. Scott is a vocalist, guitarist and pianist, and has played a large range…
Read MoreU2 is rock’s super band. Four super rich superstars from Ireland who make music with attitude. With their songs, their idealism, their anger and their politics, they set out from Dublin in the late 1970’s to change the world. But in the end it’s U2 that changed and in the process, changed rock music.
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